Wearacon 201953
March 26, 2019Join wearable robotics professionals and entrepreneurs from industry, academia, and government at WearRAcon 19. The annual event brings together close to 300 attendees from across the globe, to hear cutting-edge presentations, see robotics demonstrations, participate in the Innovation Competition and network with those creating and using wearable robotic devices.
Southwest Robotics Symposium54
January 24, 2019The 2019 Southwest Robotics Symposium was held on the Tempe campus over two days. It featured high-profile nationally-recognized speakers, student posters, and was supported by a number of generous sponsors. To learn more, visit:
Robots Doing Laundry55
August 24, 2018Here’s some recent news coverage from one of Dr. Srivastava’s projects:
Masters In Robotics56
August 01, 2018ASU will be offering a Masters Degree in Robotics and Autonomous Systems. Admission starting January 2019
2018 Southwest Robotics Symposium at ASU57
January 26, 2018ASU brought the best in robotics research to campus
New NSF Graduate Fellows58
March 28, 2017ASU welcomes NSF Graduate Fellows!
ICRA Paper Accepted59
March 27, 2017Ren Group will be presenting in Singapore
Ted @ TedX60
March 22, 2017Ted Pavlic Presents at TedXASU
Tempe Night Of The Open Door61
February 25, 2017Robotics was on display at the Tempe Campus' "Night of the Open Door"
Poly Night Of The Open Door62
February 17, 2017Robotics was on display at the Polytechnic Campus' "Night of the Open Door".
The Origami Revolution63
February 11, 2017Prof. Aukes was featured in The Origami Revolution64, on PBS Feb 15
Night Of The Open Door65
January 06, 2017Come visit Robotics Labs at Night of the Open Door!
Henrik Christensen Visit66
November 01, 2016Dr. Christensen will give a talk titled "Object Based Mapping" on Nov 1, 2016
IDEAlab at IROS67
October 15, 2016Professor Aukes gave a talk at the "Folding in Robotics" workshop at IROS.
Brain Swarm Interfaces68
July 01, 2016Dr Artemiadis’ work on brain-swarm control interfaces gains publicity in Washington Post, CBS5, Fox 13, New York Post, Daily Mail and many other news outlets. Links here69.
National Robotics Week at Poly70
April 01, 2016The robotics group at The Polytechnic School just hosted several busloads of kids during their annual DiscoverE day on campus, as well as a public open house on Friday, April 1 2016. Thanks to all for coming!
Foldable Robotics71
March 10, 2016Professor Aukes will be teaching a new EGR598 class this fall called *Foldable Robotics*.